Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Where do you belong?

Social Construction of Reality- Acting a certain way because of the way the peers around you act. This influences you through your actions, to fit in you may have to act a certain way. In the movie A Bronx Tale, the main character Cologeral has to consistantly battle against his own good will and the views and beliefs of others around him and in his community. "C" begins to fall for a beautiful young black girl, knowing that it is not ecceptable in his community to see a black. He is forced to chose her, or to keep his image in his community and resist her.


  1. Very short and to the point! Love it!

  2. Katy, I like how you connected the movie to the social construction of reality. I would love for you to explain a little further or even apply it to your own life in some way. Also, be careful of spelling and grammar.
